Our beliefs

We value Bible-centered teaching and preaching.  Therefore, we provide weekly and periodic; classes, seminars, workshops, and services that faithfully teach and preach the truth of God's Word, guided by the Holy Spirit, and qualified teachers and preachers.

We value Godly servant leadership.  Therefore, we provide opportunities for every member to find a place to serve, for people with leadership gifts to be trained and supported in serving within the church in leadership positions, and for those called, to be affirmed by the church family to become servant elders of the church.

We value intercessory prayer.  Therefore, we make prayer a priority for every member of the church family, inviting them to share their requests and encouraging them to regularly pray for the needs and concerns of the church family.

We value authentic, corporate praise and worship of our God.  Therefore, we provide weekly corporate worship services, where everyone can praise God and encounter Him in a fresh way through the power of His Word being faithfully preached.

We  value unity within the church family.  Therefore, we embrace the diversity of the church family that God has assembled at Sound Beach Community Church by agreeing on essentials, learning and sharing on non-essentials, and in all things respecting and honoring all people, as image-bearers of God.

We value people.  People matter to God, so they matter to us.  Therefore, we seek to know, love and care for every person who chooses to visit our church and wants to worship with us.

We value what God is doing in the world.  Therefore, we support and resource various missionaries and missions that are serving the Kingdom of God in strategic ways and places around the world.

We value the strength, support and power of Christian community.  Therefore, we provide opportunities for individuals to connect with other believers in a small group setting to experience all that Christian community can offer.